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Thanks so much and welcome to The Raw Life Health Show!

20 thoughts on “Welcome Member!”
  1. I just heard about Paul an hour ago from watching a youtube video. Although I am a nurse, LPN, and I’m currently in the RN program full time while working full time, I absolutely abhor medicine, “synthetic”. Wondering why the Lord wants me to continue in nursing if I don’t agree with the treatment regimens of medicine. Feeling really alone with the knowledge I have, but I know that God will bring His people together. I joined this site, because I want to learn how to eat properly. Lose weight and live a life set apart for God. I’m also not currently in church. I can’t sit under teaching that teaches half truths. I feel as though this was not by accident that I stumbled across this site. Thank you, and God bless His people. Jill

    1. Jill, my family does not go to a “building” church either. Please log on to http://www.lionlamb.net on Friday nights for the Sabbath Service there and discover the truth about the Messiah….what is being missed in the traditional churches. This church believes in both the Father “Yahweh” and his Son “Yehshua” aka Jesus. You will learn the Biblical Truths and not the watered down versions found in so many churches today.

    2. Jill, you are called to the kingdom for such time as this. God need anointed people such as yourself in the medical field. In a place where there is so much darkness, HE need HIS lights to be there. Be encouraged.

    3. Jill I know exactly how you feel! We found a first United Pentecostal church that ngbelieves in baptizing in Jesus name and being filled with the Holy Ghost and we love it! I no longer wear pants and do not cut my hair or wear make up because I believe God made me beautiful! God bless.

    4. Sick of half truths too? I converted to Catholicism 3 yrs ago after 50 years as an Evangelical; read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and take a history class! Watch EWTN for a month; You will be amazed at the relief you feel everytime you go to Mass, and experience what Christ ordained from the start!

  2. My name is Dr Frantz Delva MD., MPH, PhD, University of San Diego San Diego State .University, University of Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico,and Bernadean UniversityI I have been involved in the Raw Food experience for over a decade, but yet I have many issues that I am confronting. I do not feel quiet comfortable doing the raw food system. This is why I want to join a stable group to learn more, I have read many books about it to include but not limited to David Wolfe, Gabriel Cousens,MD; Stephen Arlin. Please help me to completely understand the Raw Food Life and scientific evidence.

  3. I enrolled. You site said I would receive a link in my email that would activate my account. No such link has been sent. Edna

  4. I enrolled. You site said I would receive a link in my email that would activate my account. No such link has been sent. Ej

  5. Hi Paul,
    We just signed up and confirmed our subscription but aren’t able to go any further. Maybe it takes a little while to activate. Will check back. We’ve got a few questions we hope you can help us with

    1. It should be working fine and you should be able to get in. IF you have any issue please email or cal me. Also what are your current questions?

  6. Hello.I’m new to your site 🙂
    I’m 64, constantly hungry, am overweight, willing to learn, very busy and looking for energy, snacks, taste orgasms and eternal youth lol ????

  7. Hi Paul, I also did not receive the separate email with my username and password. Maybe I will receive it shortly. Thank u! ????

  8. I not only have subscribed for my health, but am trying to save my brother’s lives. My father died from prostate cancer, aunts from stomach and vaginal cancer, now my brothers have prostate cancer and bladder cancer. The one with bladder cancer has started chemo and they will do major surgery after completion. He is who I wish to save now, although you said once starting chemo it’s difficult. My wish is that you can help. God bless you.

    1. Hello Gail, I am sorry to hear about the news and yes I can help you. Please do a search with Cancer and see my videos. I am sure the info can help save their lives. After you see the videos let me know if you have any questions


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