Dr. Schandl From 2015 Retreat (Full Lecture 1/2 hours)
Dr. Schandl From 2015 Retreat (Full Lecture 1/2 hours)
Dr. Schandl From 2015 Retreat (Full Lecture 1/2 hours)
Disease is happening in your body if you suffer from this symptom. There are several signs the body gives to show disease is brewing in the body. Of all the…
Knowing how to detect cancer safely is the best way to avoid or overcome it. In this video we discuss how to do it. Dr. Schandl Website http://www.caprofile.net Raw Food…
Nurse Tom Fisher from The Hippocrates Health Institute explains about to build a healthy immune system
Once you see this video you can stop worrying about ever getting sick again. More important you can avoid all diseases.
Tom Fisher explains why disease is not a death sentence.
Tom Fisher, a Nurse at Hippocrates Health Institute gave this excellent lecture at our raw food retreat.
Dr. Schandl spoke at our raw food retreat and gave this wonderful lecture about how to prevent disease with blood testing.
Dr. Schandl spoke at our raw food retreat and gave this wonderful lecture about how to prevent disease with blood testing. This is the full lecture for members of The…
Dr. Sandra Rangel, a cancer surviver and teacher and Hippocrates Health Institute shears her healing story and ideas about health. She called this lecture "Disease: A New Perspective" You can…