Cleansing And Detox, What You Should Know
Detoxing can effect us on many levels, including our teeth. Root Canals can be very toxic. There is so much covered in this video. The 10 minutes you take to…
Detoxing can effect us on many levels, including our teeth. Root Canals can be very toxic. There is so much covered in this video. The 10 minutes you take to…
Here is what I made for lunch and dinner on my raw vegan diet.
Nurse Tom Fisher from The Hippocrates Health Institute explains about to build a healthy immune system
Raw Food Chef Zainab Fisher gave this great demo at our recent raw food retreat in west palm beach Fl. Her website is:
The most important part of the fast is ending it the correct way. Many people do it the wrong way. Here is the correct way.
Our Raw Food Retreat was a big success. Join us for our next retreat in September 2014. if you are interested call 561-283-1707.
Dr. Schandl explains the benefits of Thermography and the dangers of Mammography...
Once you see this video you can stop worrying about ever getting sick again. More important you can avoid all diseases.
This is my latest health lecture that I recently gave at our raw food retreat. Our next raw retreat will be in September. Stay tuned for the details.
Simple ways to start detoxing and healing through the skin, colon, lungs, kidneys stomach and large intestines. Dr. Koyfman has four excellent books to help you with start cleansing and…