What is the healthiest leafy green to juice?
Another member question about the best leafy green to juice.
Chocolate Pudding Fruit Smoothie
Yesterday I made one of my favorite smoothies. I have a ton of black sapote fruit also known as chocolate pudding fruit, so I made a banana black sapote smoothie.…
Is Honey Kosher?
Here is another member Q&A about an interesting topic; I recently saw a video by a Messianic Torah teacher regarding honey and it NOT being Biblicaly Kosher! Have you heard…
Juicing vs. Blending. What is the difference?
Here is another excellent question I got from one of my viewers. I am going on a juice cleanse and are wondering if they can use the Vitamix to make…
How I Make Raw Almond Milk At Home
Almond milk is one of my favorite drinks. But almond milk packaged and sold in the stores is not fresh or healthy. Almond milk is so simple to make a…
My Reply To Your Black Salve Questions
Last week I post a video that shows how I got rid of a skin cancer tumor using an herbal salve. The salve I used is often referred to as…
My New Favorite Gross Food: Natto
Have you heard of Natto? Have you tried it? What did you think? Natto is fermented soybeans. Natto has long been recognized as one of Japan's most unique traditional health…
Where Do You Get Your Vitamin D and K2 On A Vegan Diet?
Here is a member Q&A I just answered; Question: What do you do for vitamin k2 and D (if you live in a cold climate? Vitamins etc?) Answer: Check out…
How I Really Got Skin Cancer and Cured It!
I consume a very healthy diet and still got skin cancer. However the tumor was not related to my diet. In this video I explain how I got skin cancer…
Dealing with Family on Raw Food Diet
In this video I answer a question someone sent me about a common issue with the raw diet. Here is the question: I'm a 20 year old and living raw…