From Breast Cancer To The Raw Life
Today on the show we have Rawlean who cured herself from breast cancer with a raw food diet.
Healing Through Cleansing
Order Dr. Koyfman's Healing Through Cleansing Books (4 books) at Dr. Koyfman has been helping people overcome all types of diseases that doctors have no cure for. He has…
The Vitamin b-12 Issue answered…
People are asking me about vitamin b-12. Do vegans get enough and if so how? What about non-vegans, do they get enough? I have two videos to show you and…
Raw Food Recipe: Salad with an orange walnut dressing
I'm back in the kitchen at my new raw retreat. My lunch today was a very filling salad with an amazing orange walnut dressing.
My Favorite Raw Food Recipe Book I've made recipes from most of the raw food recipes books being sold today. Here is a link to my favorite one. In this video I explain why…
Misunderstood Scriptures About Health And Diet
This is my newest lecture about diet and health scriptures found in the Bible that are often mistranslated or misused. I also talk about why this happens.
Misunderstood Scriptures About Health And Diet, Full-Length Lecture -Members Only
This is my newest lecture about diet and health scriptures found in the Bible that are often mistranslated or misused. I also talk about why this happens. They full-length video…
Raw Food At Hippocrates Health Institute
Here we are at the famous raw food health Spa Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida. Each day they have something new on the menu. Today, Raw Pizza.…
My Raw Food Meals Today,
Today I show how I'm eating my raw food diet over the weekend and talk about how the raw food diet supports my active lifestyle. If you have any questions…
Planning Meals For A Raw Food Diet
In this video I talk about my daily raw food diet and how I plan my meals each day. It doesn’t have to be hard to create a schedule. A…