Hazelnut Truffle recipe, raw pizza and more raw foods.
Today we are at The Greenery Raw Cafe in Encinitas California. We were there for lunch. They had some delicious ready-made organic vegan raw food from their fridge that we…
Making The Raw, Vegan Diet Work For You-Members Only
Here is a video of my lecture taken a few nights ago in Southern California. This is my most recent lecture about how to make the raw vegan diet work…
Curing Cancer with Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Today's podcast is an interview with Dr. Leonard Coldwell. Dr. Coldwell is considered as one of the leading authorities of self-help education for cancer patients and is called by many…
Green Smoothie Recipe
Here is a quick green smoothie for you! A recent friend came for a visit and made this creative smoothie. Enjoy!
Welcome to The Raw Life Health Show
I created this website to promote the teachings about the raw food diet and lifestyle. I've written 8 books and was a chef at the world's biggest raw food restaurant…
Interview with 45 year Raw Foodist High Priest Kwatamani-Subscriber Preview
This week's featured interview is with a man who has been eating a live food diet for over 45 years. His name is High Priest Kwatamiani. I interviewed High Kwatamiani…
Interview with 45 year Raw Foodist High Priest Kwatamani-Members Only
This week's featured interview is with a man who has been eating a live food diet for over 45 years. His name is High Priest Kwatamiani. I interviewed him in…
A Set-Apart Health Message for Set-Apart People
This is my 1st appearance on God's Learning Channel from Feb 2010. I've since been on again and sent that video a few weeks ago. Enjoy this video. In this…
Podcast: The Raw Food Diet and The Cooked Food Trap
It today's Podcast I talk about the raw Food diet and the cooked food trap. At age 20, I, Paul Nison was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (also know as…
Our Raw Food Enchilada Recipe-Members Only
Today, we show you how to make one of the many types of raw food enchilada recipes. There is no limit to how many different wraps and stuffings you can…