Here is my favorite raw food dessert from Jackie Graff of  Raw Food Revival
Go to their site and check out their raw food certified raw food chef training classes.

Serves 12


2 cups Brazil nuts, soaked for 12 hours, drained and dehydrated for 12 hours
1/2 teaspoon salt
8 medjool dates pitted
1 teaspoon vanilla powder

1. Place all ingredients in a food processor and process well into crumbles.
2. Cover bottom of a 9x12 pam with 1/2 crust

1 cup macadamia nuts soaked for 8 hours
12-15 large medjool dates pitted soaked in the 1 cup filtered water for 2 hours
2 inches vanilla bean
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
12 bananas ( sliced and 6 for pudding)

1. Place whole bananas and macadamias in blender and blend until smooth
2. Add dates, vanilla, and salt to blender and blend until smooth.

1. Cover bottom of the pan with 1/3 of crust
2. Place 3 sliced bananas on top of the crust
4. Cover the pudding with the other 1/3 of crust
5. Place 3 sliced bananas on top of the crust
6. Layer the rest of the pudding mixture on top
7. Top with the remaining 1/3 of crust

Shelf Life: 2 days, if it lasts that long.


2 thoughts on “Raw Food Recipe Raw Banana Pudding Cobbler”
  1. This recipe sounds sooooo good. I can see why it could be a temptation to over indulge. Perhaps one can exercise some self control by reflecting on the truth that moderation is key to how we treat our bodies….that we are told in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 ” know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s”.

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