The Raw Raw Food Diet VS. The Raw Junk Food Diet: All Produce Is Not The Same.
There is a reason not everyone succeeds on a raw food diet and that is the topic of this video. I talk about how to make sure you are eating…
I’m Going To Cut Off My Breasts For No Reason!!!
Allyn Rose Miss America contestant to undergo precautionary double mastectomy Allyn Rose, Miss America Contestant, To Undergo Precautionary Double Mastectomy Allyn Rose, a 24-year-old Maryland native set to compete for…
Healed From Cancer With The Earth Diet
Liana Werner-Gray is the author of The Earth Diet. In this video she shares her amazing healing story from Cancer. Her website is
Surprise health guest! One of the best ever! See who it is.
We have a surprise guest. This is one of the best interviews I ever conducted. Some of this person's favorite quotes are; -Growing old does not make us sick,it's growing…
Alternative MS Recovery.
Malik Johnson was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in June 2011. He rejected the doctors methods and cured himself using a natural diet and lifestyle. his website is
Babylon Is Destroying Your Health (Michael Rood)
Bible Teacher Michael Rood explains what Babylon is and why we must avoid and/or escape Babylon if we want to be healthy.
Health Oxymorons
Everyday people commit health oxymorons. Today on the show I reveal some of the most popular to help you come out of this harmful way of living. Warning, some of…
The Daylight Diet by Paul Nison
Did you know when you eat is just as important as what you eat? It can determine your total health and wellness. Raw Food Chef and Author Paul Nison has…
Killing Cancer, Not People
I just interviewed Robert Wright, Author of Killing Cancer, Not People. Everyone should read this book. Robert's website is If you know anyone with Cancer they must check out…
Lost 100 Pounds On A Raw Food Diet
The raw food diet is simple but you have to actually do it for it to work. This couple each lost 100 pounds eating a raw food diet.